戴安娜王妃生前一直遭受媒体和八卦困扰,近日,随着8月31日戴安娜王妃逝世20周年的日子越来越近,英国电视四台(Channel 4)又投下一颗“震撼弹”!
纪录片的名字就叫《戴安娜:自述》(Diana: In Her Own Words),将于本周日(8月6日)播出。
1992年,为了提高演讲能力,戴安娜王妃接受了演员、演讲培训师彼得·塞特兰(Peter Settelen)的演讲培训。这卷录像带就是这时录下的。
Fifteen minutes of footage from the tapes feature in the Channel 4 documentary shown this week. Settelen is understood to have been paid a fee for their use, though he declined to appear in it.
以下是Channel 4关于Diana: In Her Own Words的节目预告。
《太阳报》(The Sun)把录影带中的主要内容整理了一遍,我们从中看到了一个被王室束缚一生的女人,和她缺爱、焦虑、无助,努力追求爱情却不可得的悲剧人生。
❶ 父母从来没说过他们爱她
“My parents, they never said they loved me.”
"There was no, there was always a kiss there (pointing at her cheek).”
"There was no hugs or anything like that.”
❷ 从小就叛逆,不爱学习
“I was a rebel. I always did the dares. I always did the opposite to everybody else. ”
“I wasn't academically interested at all. I just wanted to be with people, have fun. You know, look after people, things like that. I got the prize for the kindest girl in school.”
❸ 因为父亲再婚,她扇过他一巴掌
“He said, ‘I want to explain to you why I’ve got married to Raine’ and I said, ‘Well, we don’t like her’ and he said, ‘I know that, but you will grow to love her as I have’ and I said, ‘Well, we won’t’ — I kept saying ‘We’, not ‘I’ because I was the littler crusader here.”
戴安娜的父亲斯宾塞伯爵(Earl John Spencer)和新婚妻子瑞恩(Countess Raine Spencer)
“And I got really angry. And if I remember right, I slapped him across the face. And I said, ‘That’s from all of us for hurting us’ and walked out and slammed the door.”
“He followed me and he got me by my wrist, turned me around and said, ‘Don’t you ever talk to me like that again,’ and I said, ‘Well, don’t you ever do that to us again,’ and walked off.”
❹ 冥冥之中觉得有重大事情会发生在自己身上
“I knew that something profound was coming my way and I was just treading water waiting for it.”
“I didn’t know what it was, I didn’t know where it was, I didn’t know if it was coming next year or next month but I knew I was different from my friends in where I was going.”
❺ 她初识查尔斯王子时,说他很孤独
“I said you must be so lonely. I said it’s pathetic watching you walk up the aisle at St Paul’s with Lord Mountbatten’s coffin in front. I said, you know, ‘Ghastly, you need someone beside you’. Oh. Wrong word.”
“Whereupon he leapt upon (me), he started kissing me and everything and I thought, ‘Ahh, you know, this is not what people do,’ and he was all over me for the rest of the evening, followed me around, everything. A puppy. And, yeah, I was flattered, but it was very puzzling.”
❻ 查尔斯王子追求她时忽冷忽热
“He wasn’t consistent with his courting abilities. He’d ring me up every day for a week and then he wouldn’t speak to me for three weeks, very odd.”
“And I’d accepted that and I thought fine, he knows where I am if he wants me.”
“And then the thrill when he used to ring up was so immense and intense, drive the other three girls in my flat crazy. But no, it was all, it was odd.”
❼ 嫁过去以后,王室对她的态度就变了
“Yeah, my family thought it was great, and so did my friends and so did Charles’s family.
“They liked me. They were very good to me when I was a guest. It means it changed when I was a daughter-in-law. Positions changed.”
❽ 宣布订婚时,记者问他们相爱吗,查尔斯的回答让她震惊
“I was brought up in the sense that you know, when you got engaged to someone, you loved them.”
“The most extraordinary thing is we had this ghastly interview the day we announced our engagement and this ridiculous ITN man said,‘Are you in love?’”
"I thought what a thick question so I said, ‘Yes, of course we are,’ in the sort of Sloane Ranger I was, and Charles turned round and said, ‘Whatever in love means’.”
"That threw me completely. I thought what a strange question and answer. God. Absolutely traumatised me.”
"No, I didn’t dare (ask him about it). Must have been, yeah (frightened). We met 13 times before we got married (laughs).”
❾ 查尔斯说自己不能做唯一一个没有情妇的威尔士亲王
“I remember saying to my husband, you know, ‘Why, why is this lady around?’ and he said, ‘Well I refuse to be the only Prince of Wales who never had a mistress.”
❿ 菲利普亲王鼓励查尔斯出轨
“My father-in-law said to my husband, ‘Uh, if your marriage doesn’t work out you can always go back to her after five years’, which is exactly, I mean for real I know that it happened after five, I knew something was happening before that.”
⓫ 关于和查尔斯王子的性生活
"Well, there was. There was. There was. But it was odd, very odd.”
"But it was there then it fizzled out about seven years ago, six years ago, well seven, because Harry was eight."
“Instinct told me, it was just so odd. I don’t know there was no requirement for it from his case. Sort of once every three weeks and I kept thinking.
"And then I followed a pattern, he used to see his lady once every three weeks before we got married."
⓬ 向女王求助遭冷遇
“And I’m sobbing and I said, ‘I’m coming to you. What do I do?’
我哭着说,“ 我向您求助。我该怎么办?”
"And she said, ‘I don’t know what you should do, Charles is hopeless’. And that was it. That was help.
"So I didn’t go back to her again for help, because I don’t go back again if I don’t get it the first time.”
"And so over the years, ‘Diana never talks. I never know what’s going on’."
⓭ 人们看着她哭泣,却不会安慰她
“There’s just nobody to physically scream at. Or someone to put their arms around me — just listen when I cry.”
"I can’t bear people saying it can’t be as bad as that, or we understand — nobody understands unless you’re the individual concerned.”
⓮ 谈暴食症:我选择伤害自己而不是别人
“They all blamed the failure of the marriage on the bulimia."
“Said I was rejected, I didn’t think I was good enough for the family so I took it out on myself.”
“I could’ve gone to alcohol. I decided to do the more discreet thing which would not disgrace the royal family yet ultimately wasn’t discreet. But I chose to hurt myself instead of hurting all of you.
“The odd thing was when I was bulimic I wasn’t angry because the anger, I thought, was coming out that way."
"奇怪的是, 当我暴饮暴食的时候,我就不生气了,我想这是因为通过这种方式,我的愤怒才得以发泄。”
⓯ 说到她一生最爱的一个人
戴安娜曾与保镖巴里· 曼纳基(Barry Mannakee)相爱,后者于1987年死于车祸。
“I’ll tell you one of the biggest crushes of my life, which I don’t find easy to discuss.
"When I was 24 or 25 I fell deeply in love with someone who worked in this environment. And he was the greatest friend I ever had.
“I was always wandering around trying to see him. I just, you know,wore my heart on my sleeveand was only happy when he was around and the rest of it.”
戴安娜和巴里· 曼纳基(Barry Mannakee)
“Yeah, I supposed you could say I did, yes (see him as father figure). I’m sure I did. I was like a little girl in front of him the whole time.”
“I mean I was quite happy to give all of this up. At the moment, at the time it was quite something to have all this, just to go off and live with him. Can you believe it? He kept saying he thought it was a good idea too.”
“It got so difficult. People got so jealous and bitchy in this house and eventually he had to go. It was all found out and he was chucked out.”
戴安娜和巴里· 曼纳基(Barry Mannakee)
“Charles said to me, ‘He was killed in a motorbike accident’ and that was the biggest blow of my life I must say. It was a killer.
“I just sat there all day going through this huge high-profile visit to Cannes, just devastated.”
“I think he was bumped off. But, there we are. We’ll never know.”
“I used to have really disturbing dreams about him. And he was very unhappy wherever he’s gone to, and so I went and found out where he was buried and I went to put some flowers on his grave.”
“And the day I did that (laid flowers) the day the dreams stopped. It’s strange, isn’t it? It’s like a sort of recognition.
“I should never have played with fire and I did. I got very burned.”
Channel 4决定公开在电视上播出的这些内容,激起了全英国的激烈反应。
王室传记作家彭妮·朱诺(Penny Junor)对电视四台进行了谴责。她曾为威廉王子和哈里王子等王室成员写传记。
“stopping to look at a motorway pile-up to look at the gory details”
她说,电视四台的做法就是“纯粹的消费”(plain exploitation),是残忍(ghoulish)而不道德的(immoral)。
This is just another way of exploiting Diana. It’s not what Charles would want and it’s clearly not what the boys would want. It will be deeply hurtful to them.
她认为电视四台只是为了收视率(viewing figures up),这将会令公众失望。
戴安娜王妃的传记作家英格丽·苏沃德(Ingrid Seward)也持相似的观点。
传记作家英格丽·苏沃德(Ingrid Seward)
The boys now must feel very exploited and very angry once again with the media and it reflects badly on all of us.
We carefully considered all the material used in the documentary and, though the recordings were made in private, the subjects covered are a matter of public record. This unique portrait of Diana gives her a voice and places it front and centre at a time when the nation will be reflecting on her life and death.
《太阳报》的拉夫·李(Ralph Lee)也持相似观点:
The decision to show the tapes has proved controversial but they are an important part of the historical record.
戴安娜的前私人秘书帕特里克·杰弗森(Patrick Jephson)虽然认为这对王子们是个伤害,但也不失为王妃找到自己话语权(Princess finding her voice)的方式。
Bewitchingly, they reveal a thoughtful and often funny Princess finding her voice as the teller of her own story.
One of the reasons we remember her, and still want to hear her voice, is that she spoke not with technical fluency but with an authenticity that came from the heart.
文by 中国日报